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Please be advised the above information provided about this product is not intended to be direct recommendations for use from NakedPress. Furthermore, NakedPress cannot provide medical advice related the use of essential oils specifically or generally and does not make any claims related to any medical application or indented or expected benefits from using any of our products. All results may vary greatly for all people for all applications when using natural products. Please consult a qualified and reputable aromatherapist for advice before administering any specific applications. Please seek professional medical advice if you are suffering from a serious medical illness. NakedPress products are intended for cosmetic, external and aromatherapy use only, not for internal consumption/medical applications. Due to the high potency of essential oils, we recommend you do not apply directly to the skin unless diluted with a suitable carrier oil.
Brand | NakedPress |
Tea Tree Oil 1L
By: Rob on 12 July 2022This is the third time I have purchased the tree oil for home, we buy the 1L container, it gets used as a cleaner for the house and a soaker for socks. A 1L container lasts us between 6 months to a year. Ordering is easy, confirmation email are fast and the delivery very shortly after that. Highly recommend purchasing from Naked Press.
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